About Us

Thank you for visiting Creative Arts Showcase

Creative Arts was founded in 2021 in response to the plight of children and families during the COVID crisis.

‘Our mission is making creativity, in all its diverse forms accessible to all our communities.’

With passionate beliefs that Creativity and Art is inspiring and helps everyone mentally and physically we have continued to expand our ideas to bring art into diverse and harder to reach communities. We join up young and old, vulnerable and challenged, supporting people’s mental health and confidence. We aim to be inspirational, fun and open.

While promoting art, craft, artists and performance, including developing and emerging young talent we aim to also incorporate themed years particularly for Charities addressing matters that are most concerning us all, in our daily lives today. This year we will be supporting our environment, species and beautiful planet, by supporting the Woodland Trust & Wildlife Trust. Further information about these Charities and to donate click here.

In 2021 our first Showcase ever was a great success despite continuing COVID restrictions and our fabulous artists, crafters, volunteers, visitors and performers absolutely loved it. See more information on the 2021 show click here

2022 is already showing a diverse schedule of activities from plays, quizzes, exhibitions and workshops, with the Main Show at Bromsgrove School, Arena and Hospitality Suite on 29th and 30th October, put a date in your diary now! Perhaps our most exciting new event for 2022 is the Young Creators ‘Our Earth Matters’ Online Exhibition winners submissions will be on display at the  Showcase 22 in October. click here.

With a growing and developing enthusiastic team the CAST @ Creative want to promote inclusivity, creating happy and inspiring events. We hope that you will come with us to enjoy the festival feel of this exciting journey!

Creative Arts Showcase achieved full Charity status converting from a not for profit in February 2022 our mission to bring creativity into all our communities strengthened with this great news! We are entirely run by volunteers both on the CAST working group team and all events. We have various roles available both on a one-off basis or continued, if you would like to add your talent to support us, we would love to hear from you, please click on the Get Involved Link.

We would like to thank all the lovely Artists, talented crafters and amazing volunteers who have given their time, work and support to Creative Art Showcase, it’s amazing and inspiring to be with you.

Creative Arts are members of BARN Bromsgrove & Redditch Network. We’re the voice of the voluntary sector, support local communities, and help with networking, information, funding and volunteering. We’re the local Council for Voluntary Service and run the Volunteer Centre for Bromsgrove and Redditch.

Creative Arts are members of Bromsgrove Arts Alive Promoting, championing and encouraging involvement in the arts, culture and heritage in the region.

Creatives activities range across the Midlands encouraging communication and support to diverse and harder to reach communities, making art and craft accessible to all.

Creative Arts Team acknowledge the kind support of:

Our Supporters

Glyns Framing

High quality, professional, creative & affordable frames servicing Shropshire, Staffordshire & Cheshire.

Air Aesthetics


Matt Watson Design

Eric Watson Art Classes

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